The Understandable SURGE Into Homeschooling

Aug 26, 2020

Many articles have been written since March 2020 about the exponential increase in families choosing to homeschool, and how the pandemic has finally allowed many people the opportunity to gain an updated and more accurate perspective of what it really means to homeschool with the technologies we have today.

The truth is, homeschooling was already quickly growing in popularity even before COVID-19 inspired more families to seriously consider it.

In no way do I intend to knock public/private schools. There are countless teachers and administrators working very hard right now under extremely challenging circumstances (possibly putting themselves and their families in harm's way). With distance learning though, more and more parents realized and are continuing to realize that to really homeschool (not do school-at-home) can be infinitely less stressful, offers more freedom, and "personalized learning" can prove to be incomparably better for their child(ren) and the entire family.

Homeschooling a child is not the same as providing support to children who are learning at home through their school, and it’s important to differentiate. Homeschooling enables you to choose the curriculum and methods in which your child learns while also creating the schedule that works best for your family. Doing school-at-home is providing some provisional supplementary support in conjunction with lesson plans and Zoom meetings.

The difference between homeschooling and virtual learning or being in a regular classroom setting is also a difference mindset. Homeschooling is a lifestyle. It's a way of bringing joy to learning or maintaining a joy of learning.

Here are two recent articles that talk about the benefits of homeschooling:

Interest In Homeschooling Has Exploded Amid Pandemic

Back To School? "No Thanks" Say Millions of New Homeschooling Parents

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